There is a huge variance in the quality (both features and stability) of open source software.
Open Source software is built by individuals or teams and released to the public where it is updated by the open source community. Data is stored offsite from your location. Disadvantages: Requires an internet connection.Always running the latest version of the software. Advantages: No installation needed because it runs in a browser.Examples: Basecamp, Freshbooks, Facebook, Salesforce.Cost: Monthly subscriptions vary based on plans that are based on the amount of data you will need.

Purchase channel: Work with a salesperson and a customization team.Large software applications can be customized to meet the needs of each individual business as closely as possible. May not meet business needs.Įxpensive large-scale software applications that provide a specific business function such as accounting or inventory management. Disadvantages: No customization beyond application options.Makes sense for common business functions. Cost: Varies based on features, breadth of market segmentation (vertical or horizontal), and consumer versus business use.Upgrade licenses for major updates must be purchased. Upgrade path: Incremental upgrades are usually free.Purchase channel: Retail stores or online retailers.Most off-the-shelf software is aimed at broad audiences that allow the software to be sold in volume and at a lower price-point.

The features in shrink-wrapped software are fixed – you typically can’t request a feature specific to your own business. It is a bit of a misnomer since most software is purchased online today, but the name comes from the boxes of software sitting on retail store shelves. Software purchased and used as-is is called “shrinkwrapped” or “off-the-shelf” software.

Each category has advantages and disadvantages Shrinkwrapped (or Off-The-Shelf) software In this post, we will cover the five major categories of software. Part of choosing wisely is knowing your options. As a business owner, you decide the technical infrastructures of your organization.